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Organic Vegetables

Physical Well-Being

Glasses of Water
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In my book I discuss a number of strategies to help improve your physical well-being, here I am focusing on just Nutrition.  

Probably the biggest influence on our physical well-being is what we eat and drink. The 30 days to healthy living plan which I do is all about replacing processed food with more healthier options. Just making one or two healthy swaps can make a huge difference. Remember – no one ever regretted eating healthily or drinking that glass of water!

30 Days to Healthy Living

Establish healthy habits with clean eating so that you can get more energy, manage weight and feel fit. It will help you to identify any foods which are not serving you whilst you choose food to fuel your body naturally. Free support groups start every month.


For more information click here.

Drink more water

The adult human body is made up of over 60% of water. However statistics show that over half of adults do not drink enough water. 

Drinking more water each day will have multiple benefits to your well-being.

1.5 litres a day is recommended. So grab yourself another glass today!

Look after your gut health

So much of the body's overall well-being is controlled by the gut. A healthy gut means a healthy you.

Gut Health from Arbonne contains vegan prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes work together to naturally support your body's digestive system. 


For more information click here.

30 Days to Healthy Living

Would you like to optimise how you look and feel inside and out by giving your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally? Would you like to tune into the messages which your body is sending you and use food as fuel for your body? Then the 30 Days to Healthy Living Plan could be for you. 


During the 30 days you will eliminate all processed food groups such as wheat, dairy, refined sugar, alcohol and soy as these food groups, in many cases, are not beneficial to overall well-being.


You can eat as much as you like as long as it is whole unprocessed food. You will also support your body with clean, vegan nutritional supplements such as protein shakes, energy fizz sticks and gut health products.


You will also have access to a free well-being community who will guide you through the 30 days with daily inspiration, information, recipes, meal plans and support.

Gut Health

A healthy gut means a healthy you.

If you're stressed out, physically out of balance, run down, recovering from illness or taking anti-biotics, your gut may not be functioning efficiently and you may not be getting all the nutrients from your food to help to build your immune system back up. Put simply, your intestines are full of bacteria, good and bad. However you need more good bacteria to keep the bad at bay, to keep your digestion flowing and to keep you looking and feeling healthy.


Taking a good quality gut health product daily (pre/probiotic) ensures your gut remains healthy and your body is functioning efficiently and effectively so that ultimately you feel healthier.


Probiotics are live microorganisms which help to improve and restore the good bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are specialised plant fibres that act as food for the good bacteria and help to improve the growth and balance of these microorganisms. Digestive enzymes help to break down food so that the body can absorb the nutrients more easily.  


A healthy gut is not only key to a healthy digestive system but also a key contributing factor to your overall physical well-being. Why not try the gut health today and see for yourself?


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